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Preserve your Height & Walk Freely By Yourself With Almag+
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Almag+ helps with orthopedic and cardiovascular issues in various ages, including one-month-old neonates. It can be utilized in a medical setting or at home.

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Visit your Vision for No Blindness
Easyton IOP Tonometers : Glaucoma Rescue Devices
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The Easyton Tonometer is FDA approved. IOP Tonometer is an exceptional blend of science and technological advances, intended to use by ophthalmologists in healthcare settings.

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Immune Your Joints From Rheumatoids With Almag-01
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Almag-01 offers healing advantages associated with pulsed electromagnetic field therapy. It provides non-invasive, medication-free therapies for pain, diseases, and traumas.

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Yelena Pukhovitskaya
Yelena Pukhovitskaya

Yelena Pukhovitskaya, a seasoned massage therapist, founded ALMAGIA International at the start of 2008.

In 2006, Yelena Pukhovitskaya became ill and started to experience severe back pain due to a shift in her intervertebral discs from working on her feet her entire life. With nothing helping to relieve her pain, Yelena and Robert started searching for PEMF companies that specialize in magnetic treatment or thermotherapy devices.

From a humble story about a woman’s illness to the discovery of an effective treatment, ALMAGIA was born and is currently selling portable PEMF treatment and thermotherapy devices for medical problems like sinusitis and body pains.

These include Almag01, Almag02, Mavit, Magofon, and lots more.




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At ALMAGIA, we are dedicated to offering top-rated health solutions that harness the power of advanced electromagnetic therapy.

Our top-rated products, including the ALMAG-01, ALMAG Plus, and EasyTon Tonometer, are designed to deliver unparalleled pain relief, accelerate healing, and enhance overall well-being. Trusted by healthcare professionals and backed by scientific researchers, our devices provide effective, non-invasive treatments for a wide range of health conditions.


Rejuvenate a new level of health and wellness with ALMAGIA’s state-of-the-art electromagnetic therapy devices. Our advanced PEMF technology promotes cellular repair, reduces inflammation, and alleviates pain, offering non-invasive solutions for chronic conditions, injury recovery, and overall vitality.

Backed by scientific research and trusted by healthcare professionals, ALMAGIA's top-rated products are designed to help you achieve optimal health and transform your well-being. Experience the future of healthcare and feel the difference with ALMAGIA.

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In terms of reduction and elimination of pain, restoration of joints , elimination of inflammatory processes perfectly proven MAGOFON devices.

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The device in a matter of minutes to cope with almost any pain, quickly eliminating its cause, removing any swelling, cramps, problems ALMAG-03.

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Studies show that PEMF is the most effective way of treating back pain, bone and tissue repair with ALMAG 01-02.

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Client feedback

At Almagia, we are honoured to receive heartfelt testimonials from our clients who have experienced transformative health benefits through our PEMF therapy devices. Our clients consistently share stories of renewed vitality, significant pain relief, and improved overall wellness.The devices are not only curing the ailments associated with bodies but also inculcating the seeds of hope and innovation that can save lives!

I purchased an Almag+ (love it) from you a little over a month ago in anticipation of total knee replacement surgery. I had the surgery and have completed a course of treatment with the Almag+. The manual says I should wait 6 to 8 weeks before doing another treatment, but obviously I am not completely healed yet. Do I need to wait or can I start another 3 week treatment course now?

Customer Name - Nicole Bishop

Yelena Pukhovitskaya is not only an expert in earth energy medicine with an international clientele, but she also provides the most immediate and accessible customer support I have experienced in many years – 48 to 72 hour live consultation and advisement as needed.

Customer Name - J. Ellison,

Yelena is a real customer champion! I needed to get the Almag+ version urgently to address a medical condition so I called the company. Yelena took her personal time outside of regular customer service hours to make sure that my purchase went though. She also ensured a prompt shipment so I could start using the device as soon as possible. THANK YOU!

Customer Name - Olga

Hello. I have been using and treating animals with PEMF units for 20yrs and I just recently purchased the AlMag +. My mom, 82yo, has degenerative spine and buldging discs in her back, knees are “bone on bone”, AFib, high cholesterol etc. She treated her knees for 10min. each on Program 3 last night and called me this morning to say “I want you to know that after having my knees treated with the AlMag + I was able to stretch out my legs and sleep PAIN FREE. That is the most rest I’ve gotten without pain in a long time”. Thank you Yelena. You are a blessing to me and my family.

Customer Name - Julie Bridewell

I am very impressed with your company for several reasons, I have called several times and have spoken to a person each time I called, the people were pleasant, professional and knowledgeable and were able to solve my problem quickly and efficiently, that goes for our conversation today as well. I am happy to recommend your company to family, friends and anyone who needs a unit
Thank you Almagia !

Customer Name - Franny

The generosity of Yelena heart is amazing! !!! The kindness and desire to help is unprecedented! !!! A true healler!!!!! And her Almag is a miracle machine!!!! My life is painless!!!!!

Customer Name - Alida Vally,

Thank you, Yelena Pukhovitskaya, for your amazing customer service! I couldn’t live without my Almag-01 and you really did make my holiday and restore my faith in people. Your generosity is so appreciated!

Customer Name - Lynda DeFord

I had a auto accident 8 years ago and had to have neck surgery which went bad. I had electric shocks throughout my body and could barely walk. After years of trying different things: drugs, yoga, stretching, etc. I ran across an article on the electrical magnetic pulse device where I found the Almag 01 device. It has brought me back to normal before the accident. No more electrical shocks throughout my body. It has been a miracle recovery for me. Thanks so much!

Customer Name - Edwin D Hedgpeth


The distinguishing feature of PEMF therapy is that it focuses on the whole body, not its specific parts or systems. It’s based on a holistic approach to make sure that they work in a well-balanced manner This all-encompassing care is then administered through our devices to deliver long-term health benefits. It contributes to a patient’s general well-being, pain relief, blood pressure management, fatigue treatment, energy boost, and more.

Electromagnetic therapy, also known as PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) therapy, uses low-frequency electromagnetic waves to enhance cellular function and promote healing. This non-invasive therapy helps reduce inflammation, improve circulation, relieve pain, and accelerate the body's natural healing processes.

PEMF therapy is effective for a wide range of conditions, including:
  • Chronic pain and arthritis
  • Sports injuries and muscle strains
  • Osteoporosis
  • Depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders
  • Wound healing and inflammation

Yes, PEMF therapy is safe for most people and has minimal side effects. However, individuals with pacemakers, pregnant women, or those with certain medical conditions should consult a healthcare professional before starting PEMF therapy to ensure it is appropriate for them. Every device has a detailed description given on the website; visit the site to learn more!

The frequency of PEMF therapy sessions depends on your specific health needs and the condition being treated. Sessions typically last from a few minutes to an hour and can be done daily or several times a week. It is best to follow the guidance provided with your PEMF device or consult a healthcare professional.

Almagia International provides comprehensive support for our PEMF device users, including detailed user manuals, instructional videos, and access to our knowledgeable customer service team. We are dedicated to helping you achieve the best results from your PEMF therapy. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our customer service team.


Ready to transform your health with electromagnetic therapy?
Reach out to Almagia International today!
Our dedicated team is here to assist you with any questions and guide you to the perfect PEMF device for your needs.


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