Arthritis – inflammation of a joint. Occurs primarily in the inner is synovial membrane of the joint. Disease process may be extended to other structures of the joint – the cartilage, joint capsule, as well as periarticular tissues – ligaments, tendons, Bags.

Distinguish infectious arthritis, bacterial, rheumatoid, gout, psoriatic, reactive, chronic juvenile (s). In all these forms of arthritis affects the joints. Patients suffer from pain associated with active and passive movements. May be affected symmetrically or asymmetrically, large or small joints, depending on the form of the disease. Arthritis marked restriction of movement, joint redness, swelling it, the local and the general increase in temperature.

The patient is very important to know that the effectiveness of treatment is largely dependent on its direct involvement. The main goal of the treatment – maintaining the functional capacities of the joint and prevent the deterioration of quality of life. Since for almost all arthritis is chronic, where the quiet period followed by exacerbation, the patient must correctly assess the adverse factors and early symptoms, such as fatigue, weakness. Feel them, the patient should take suitable measures to limit the load on the affected joints, spend a short period of bed rest, regular sleep, which helps to relieve the weakness and fatigue.

Bursitis – inflammation of periarticular bag replacement. Trauma occurs in joints, increased physical activity, arthritis, and as a result of infectious diseases (flu, gonorrhea, tuberculosis).

There are acute and chronic bursitis. In acute bursitis in the joint capsule, pain and limited swelling of various sizes, usually has the soft consistency. Joint function with moderately is limited. Chronic bursitis is more common in people whose profession is associated with prolonged continuous mechanical stimulation of the joint capsule. Prevention of chronic bursitis is to eliminate permanent injury joint capsules.

Deforming osteoarthritis
 – degenerative joint disease nature, characterized by lesions of the articular cartilage and periarticular tissues. The basis of the disease is a violation of metabolic processes in the body, which affects the health of the joints. Articular cartilages, in this case, lose essential nutrients and eventually wear out. Similar changes occur in the joints with age, but at a slower pace and with less severity. Therefore, deforming osteoarthrosis described as premature aging of the articular cartilage. The disease is manifested by pain in joints, fractures, curvature of the extremities, usually the thighs, concomitant inflammation of the joints. Osteoarthritis occurs predominantly in women 40-60 years of age.

Risk factors for the disease include joint injuries, fractures, obesity, occupational hazards, hard physical labor. A characteristic feature of osteoarthritis is a gradual onset of the disease, long-term preservation of joint function, in spite of his severe deformation. The pain occurs mostly when the load on the affected joint and is usually not alone. The intensity of pain in the evening increases.

Patients with osteoarthritis deformans have short-lived morning stiffness. For long periods of immobility of the joint swelling occurs it. Many patients with passive movements are experiencing the crunch in the affected joint.

The most commonly affected joints and knee joints of the hand. Next in frequency lesions are hips, ankles and shoulders.

People who suffer from osteoarthritis deformans, avoid physical overload and traumatic joints, soft chairs. We recommend using the straight-backed chairs, hard bed. Individuals who are overweight should change the diet, life style to normalize weight. Important therapeutic exercise aimed at maintaining maximum joint mobility and maintaining muscle mass. Of exercise is especially recommended swimming, when the minimum load on the joints.

Heating element or elements are superimposed on the area of ​​the affected joint and surrounding tissue. Exposure time is 20-40 minutes. Procedures are carried out 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 15-20 procedures.

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