How can I check my eye pressure at home

Can you measure your eye pressure at home? Definitely! But only sometimes. There are some instances where it’s impossible for you to measure your eye pressure using eye pressure devices at home, such as if you have a condition that precludes you from placing anything over your eyes (such as contact lenses). If you have this condition, you must discuss the options with your optometrist.

If you’ve been diagnosed with glaucoma or are at high risk for developing it, you may be interested in checking your eye pressure at home. The best way to measure your eye pressure is to use a tonometer. It is the best way because it shows intraocular eye pressure (IOP).

What are the ways to check eye pressure at home?

To check your eye pressure at home, ensure you have these supplies: a sterile cup of water, an eye cup/spoon, and a phone with the proper app installed. It’s also recommended to have someone else present during this process (unless you’re feeling brave!)

  • Step One: Fill the cup with sterile water; the volume should be two-thirds total.
  • Step Two: Place the cup and spoon in the freezer for 15 minutes.
  • Step Three: While frozen, remove the cup from the freezer and place the spoon inside.
  • Step Four: Gently press on your eyelids with your palms; you will feel a slight pressure against your eyelids as you do this.
  • Step Five: Once you have completed pressing lightly on each eye, lift up and gently tilt your head back; you should be able to see an area of fluid or discharge at the corner of your eyes. If not, walk outside or into a brighter room and look upward while tilting your head slightly (don’t pull it back too far).
  • Step Six: Use the app (or a millimeter ruler) to measure and record the fluid area; this is your current eye pressure.
  • Step Seven: Prepare the cup again and repeat steps 2-6. You can record the amount of fluid and compare it to your original measurement, or you can wait a few minutes until the area has dried and then repeat the size. 

It’s important to note that eye pressure can fluctuate, depending on what you are doing and how much stress you are under at that moment. So, multiple measurements over time will give you a more accurate reading of your eye pressure.

  • Step Eight: Repeat steps 2-6 throughout the day and record any eye pressure fluctuations. We’d also recommend writing down any symptoms you are experiencing; this will help your doctor get a complete picture of your eye pressure if they are not already monitoring it. If you experience sudden pain or vision loss, contact your doctor as soon as possible!

Types of equipment to measure eye pressure

  • IOP Checker 

It is a semi-portable device used at home or during travel. It can be used by people with vision loss, glaucoma, cataracts, etc., concerned about eye pressure levels at home or on the go. It can be safely used by people of any age or health condition. It has been explicitly designed to allow maximum comfort and customizability to fit you perfectly! Its benefits include:

  1. In addition to taking measurements, the IOP Checker monitors your pressure levels quickly and easily. 
  2. Real-time information on your pressure level is displayed in significant digits along the top. 
  3. The machine will also notify you when a certain pressure is reached and then again when the pressure drops back down. 
  4. It is portable and easy to use with sensors in your eye sockets. You follow the instructions on IOP Checker‘s website and use your information by selecting from pre-written templates and entering the date, time, and location.
  • The three types of tonometers – are gold, rubber, and air-puff.
  1. The gold tonometer is one of the more common types used in a clinical setting. This type of tonometer has two metal posts inserted into the eye to measure intraocular pressure (IOP). A metal post may be necessary in some cases due to corneal scarring that might prevent contact between membranes, but if so, it would typically be only one post at a time and not both.
  1. The most common type of tonometer is the air-puff. This type has a round rubber tip that rests on the sclera and gently puffs air into the eye to measure IOP. The air from the puff is then directed onto a pressure gauge that determines IOP

Some devices have an internal band with buttons to automatically determine  information for those with visual impairments. However, most need the user to read a gauge or listen for a beep after each automated puff.


Now check your eye pressure at home with the easy-to-devices such as an IOP checker, tonometer, and so on. In addition to taking measurements, these eye pressure devices monitor your pressure levels quickly and easily. Always remember that in severe or doubtful cases, consult the experts. To know more about the device, visit Almagia International.  

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