Inflammation of the joints, manifested by the variety of movement disorders and sense abnormalities. Differentiate local neuritis that suffers only one nerve, and multiple neuritis (polyneuritis) that can be due to various external and internal factors.
Use of MAGOFON device significantly reduces treatment time. Simultaneous exposure to magnetic fields and acoustic vibrations helps to stop pain and reduce inflammation, restore nerve conduction, stimulates the process of regeneration, improves circulation and metabolism in the surrounding tissues. The most pronounced effect was achieved through an integrated application of the device with drugs.
While on the pain attack, MAGOFON’s use is contraindicated.
During the first days of the start of treatment, may increase the pain along the nerve, indicating the adequate response to the physical nerve irritation. After the third treatment, pain should be disappeared. If the pain persists, you have to take a break in one day and then resume the procedure, reducing the duration by 1/3.
Procedures: the influence of MAGOFON carried out along the affected nerve. For example, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, the impact makes by arbitrary pumping movements, tightly clutching vibroacoustic membrane to the skin. Procedures are performed 1 time a day. A second course should be done in 30-40 days after the first, and support – in 3-4 months after the second.