The effect of the magnetic field on the mass transfer of pharmaceutical products

The effect of the magnetic field on the mass transfer of pharmaceutical products

The release of the drug from the gel form of chondroxide when exposed to PEMF (20 mT, 6.25 Hz, exposure 10-60 min) occurs to a much greater extent. It significantly exceeds the amount of drug released during application. After 5 min, the increase in the mass transfer of chondroxide exceeded the difference between the application and magnetophoresis by 12%; after 10 min – by 14.2%; after 15 min – by 23%; after 20 min – by 29%, after 30 min – by 30%, after 60 minutes – by 32%.

Termination of exposure to PEMF (20 mT, 6.25 Hz, exposition 20 min) for another 60 min enhanced absorption of the drug chondroxide (24% higher compared to application administration) retains.


The influence of magnetic field on pharmaceutical products

– The magnetic field effectively interacts with pharmaceutical products without disturbing their structure and pharmacological properties.

– Under the influence of a Magnetic field, stereochemical rearrangement of the drug molecule is possible due to a change in entropy, which affects their properties.

* Nise-gel – analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent, with 1% nimesulide


The treatment effect of a magnetic field in combination with pharmaceutical products 

The enhancement of the effects of the combined use of pharmaceutical productsis largely associated with the biological mechanisms of the body’s action on a pulsed low-frequency magnetic field with optimal therapeutic effects: increased blood circulation, regulation of rheological properties of blood, reduced inflammation, and tissue edema, and improved joint tropism.

The analysis of the dynamics of the Visual Analogue Scale index while treating patients with osteoarthritis of the knee joint shows a significant positive analgesic effect. Its severity was 1.5-2 times higher when using pharmaceutical products(gel with chondroitin sulfate and gel with diclofenac) and Travelling Pulsed Magnetic Field (magnetophoresis).

Patient groups

IndexChondroitin sulfate magnetic field placeboChondroitin sulfate + PEMFDiclofenac magnetic field placeboDiclofenac + PEMF
Pain at rest25,93%52,15%37,47%52,84%
Pain when moving34,46%68,10%35,97%67,80%
Pain when climbing stairs37,50%46,77%41,53%54,70%
Pain on palpation37,18%55,60%33,96%65,52%



Reduction of pain syndrome in patients with knee osteoarthritis at the end of the course of treatment according to the Visual Analogue Scale index (% to baseline)

Learn more about Magnetophoresis and electromagnetophoresis of microparticles in liquids here.

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