In today’s world millions of people suffer from various musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular and other disorders. These disorders affect the quality of life and shorten lifespan but modern technology can provide much needed relief. Chronic low back pain treatment in particular will benefit from the PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) device Almag-01 that uses directed pulsed magnetic fields through injured tissue.
This device allows you to administer lower back pain treatments at home which, in turn, reduces inflammation symptoms, relief’s pain and reduces need for medication. Lower back pain home treatment with Almag-01 unit helps in restoration of affected area functions which improves mobility of patients who use this method in addition to the core complex of therapeutic measures.
PEMF based chronic lower back treatment utilizes effects of generated magnetic field that bombards the body with charged particles and stimulates significant acceleration of metabolic processes at the subcellular level here increasing rate of tissue regeneration and growth of healthy cells to replace damaged tissue.
Almag-01 lower back pain remedies at home is easy to administer since the directed pulsed electromagnetic field penetration depth exceeds four inches. Another advantage of using this device is homogeny of the impact that provides the maximum effect and consistently delivers great results.