Magnetotherapy Effectiveness Evaluation of the Device “ALMAG-02” for Treatment of Varicose Disease

Approved by chief physician

of City Clinical Hospital of the Healthcare Department

“Krasnoyarsk Interregional Clinical Hospital No. 20 named after I. S. Berzona”

Fokhin V.A.

Magnetotherapy Effectiveness Evaluation of the Device “ALMAG-02”

Varicose veins disease of the lower extremities is the most common cause for formation of chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities that determines the relevance of research conducted in this field of modern medicine. Venous disease in Europe among people aged 30 to 70 years occurs in 25-30% of the population, and the average age of most patients is 45 years. In Russia, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis consequences affect more than 35 million people. While 15% of them have decompensated form of the disease with marked trophic disorders, and only every 4th patient gets an adequate treatment (Saveliev V. S. and co-author). Development and implementation of effective, safe and available method of varicose veins disease treatment is more than relevant. In this regard, the present study was carried out.

The Study purpose

To determine therapeutic effects of magnetotherapy with “traveling” magnetic field of the device ALMAG-02″ for complex treatment of patients suffering from varicose disease of lower extremities veins.

Material and methods of the Study

This study has analyzed results of examination and conservative treatment of 137 patients suffering from varicose disease of  lower extremities veins of CII-СIV stages (according to CEAP classification).

Depending on comprehensive treatment structure the patients were divided into three groups.

The 1st group of patients  (37 persons) were conducted with complex treatment, which included taking Diosmin for a month and using  compression stockings of the 2-nd compression class (made by the firm MEDI, Germany).

The 2-nd group of patients (50 persons) took Diosmin, were made interstitial electrophoresis of Ginkor-Forte medicine of veintone action. In 1.5 hour after taking medicines transverse galvanization of lower legs with the device “Potok-1” was performed. Compression stockings of the 2-nd compression class (made by the firm MEDI, Germany) were used.

In the 3rd group of patients (50 persons) were conducted with complex treatment, which included taking Diosmin, magnetotherapy with “traveling” magnetic field of the device ALMAG-02″ according to the program No. 18. Compression stockings of the 2-nd compression class (made by the firm MEDI, Germany) were used for 2 months.

All patients got a standard medical examination, using instrumental and laboratory methods of research:

– dynamics assessment of pain syndrome was carried out according to the visual analogue pain scale (VAS).

– veins ultrasonic duplex angioscanning of lower extremities with color mapping of blood flow on the unit Toshiba SSC-380.

The study results

Reduction of skin pigmentation degree.

before treatment after treatment
the 1 st group



the 2 nd group



the 3 rd group



Reduction of pain syndrome level according to visual analogue scale

before treatment after treatment
the 1 st group



the 2 nd group



the 3 rd group



Significant reduction of malleolares and maximum circumference of affected leg indicating a decrease of leg’s edema

the 1 st group the 2 nd group the 3 rd group
before treatment




after treatment








before treatment after treatment Δ


Ultrasound duplex angioscanning showed speed and volume-speed phlebodynamic parameters increase in deep veins of lower extremities

vessel diameter before treatment vessels diameter after treatment
the 1 st group



the 2 nd group



the 3 rd group



average linear velocity of blood before treatment average linear velocity of blood after treatment
the 1 st group



the 2 nd group



the 3 rd group




average linear velocity of blood  Vvol before treatment average linear velocity of blood  Vvol after treatment
the 1 st group



the 2 nd group



the 3 rd group



Thus, the application of magnetotherapy in complex treatment of patients of varicose disease significantly improved tissue perfusion of  lower extremities that  may be a result of improved collateral blood supply.


1. Under the action of low-frequency magnetotherapy patients of varicose vein disease of lower extremities feel reduced foot pain and get reduced degree of lower legs skin pigmentation.

2. Magnetotherapy in the complex treatment of patients with varicose disease has a strong lymphatic effect that is verifiable by a progressive decrease of malleolares and maximum circumferences length of lower leg and affected limb.

3. Complex treatment of patients with varicose veins disease of the lower extremities including magnetotherapy increases the linear and volumetric velocity of venous blood flow in the affected veins, increases the linear velocity of tissue blood flow in the affected limb.

4. If patients with varicose veins disease of the lower extremities are treated with  low-frequency magnetotherapy it causes improvement in the quality of life by criteria of physical, psychological and role functioning (determined by using the total SF-36 questionnaire), and pain and social scales (determined by means of a special questionnaire CIVIQ), they are  most pronounced when using this method.

Head of  Physiotherapy Department,

Doctor of the highest qualification category

Golovach Tatiana

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